

Information and Communication Technology (ICTs)

The Information & Communication Technology (ICT) department at Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Humanitarian City is dedicated to advancing healthcare delivery and improving the well-being of both our patients and the “People of the City”. We achieve this by strategically deploying technology and embracing digital transformation.


  • HIMSS Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model Stage 6


The ICT department offers a comprehensive range of services to support the city's mission, including:

  • Electronic Health Records Management
  • Health Information Systems (HIS) TrakCare
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Network & Infrastructure Management
  • E-Services
  • Telemedicine & Remote Patient Monitoring
  • Cybersecurity & Data Protection
  • Helpdesk & User Support
  • IT Training & Development

Working Together for a Healthier Future

The ICT department recognizes the transformative power of technology in healthcare. We are committed to continuous innovation and collaboration with healthcare professionals, patients, and the community to leverage technology for better health outcomes and a more connected healthcare experience for everyone.