

Home Courses

Objectives of Courses

The participants will learn how to identify the different study designs and how to design a research protocol. This will include designing data collection sheet and data analysis in relation to the appropriate statistical tests that will be used to report study results.

The participants will be involved in how to draw strategies to manage bias and assess the quality of research. Through workshops and group discussion participants will learn how to develop a protocol for an allocated research question and test different methods in evaluation a research question.

1). Medical Statistic Made Easy

This course is designed for healthcare professionals who need a basic definition and knowledge of common statistical terms. The participants will be involved in group study to manage data and assess their values. Through workshops and group discussion participants will learn how to statistically analyze data to produce valuable results that will serve the studies objectives and use different statistical methods in evaluating research questions.

2). Writing a Scientific Manuscript

This one-day workshop will review the process of constructing scientific papers that are logically organized, concisely written, and attentive to reader and reviewer expectations. 
The objective of the writing / training workshop is to strengthen the skills and knowledge research scientists in publishing scientific research findings in peer reviewed journals through training them to: 

  • Apply thetorical strategies to their manuscript 
  • Use language to guide readers 
  • Write the various sections of a scientific manuscript 
  • Plan and organize based on their intended readers and outcome 
  • Write a compelling abstract 
  • Use tables, charts, and graphs effectively 

3). Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule -2 (ADOS -2)

This three-days workshop will Provide clinicians with the skills necessary to utilize ADOS-2 in clinical settings. And to Provide standardized activities and questions that give the examiner opportunities to observe behaviors that are directly relevant to the diagnosis of ASD.

The objective of the ADOS2 workshop is to understand Child development milestone, to Identify the key features of the DSM-5 definition of autism spectrum disorder, to identify Screening and diagnostic tools of ASD, to identify the key features of the ADOS-2 approach, including the rationale for the approach and how it enhances autism assessment, to describe use of the ADOS-2 for operationalizing diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorders, to explain how to select the most appropriate ADOS-2 module, to identify administration procedures for the ADOS-2,to demonstrate a basic understanding of how to apply ADOS-2 codes and score ADOS-2 algorithms, to identify the psychometric support for the ADOS-2 to explain issues in the clinical application of the ADOS-2.

4). Professional Saudi National Cardiac Rehabilitation Course

5). Principles and Practice of Medical Researce